300 Hour Yoga Teacher trainingf in Kerala
Best Yoga School in Kerala

300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Kerala India

For people who wish to enhance their practise or for those who are really interested in yoga, the 300-hour yoga teacher training programme in Kerala, India, is a fantastic opportunity. The 300-hour Yoga Alliance USA-certified course is presented by Pankaj Yogpeeth and is appropriate for both advanced practitioners and instructors who wish to develop their knowledge and teaching abilities.

The course lasts for 26 days and covers 300 hours of yoga teacher training course curriculum. Students who successfully complete a 300-hour yoga teacher training course receive a certificate from the Yoga Alliance of Pankaj Yogpeeth and are then qualified to teach yoga. You may improve your flexibility and yoga practises by eating meals at the school that are organic and sattvic.

Your daily programme is set up so that you may continue to practise yoga and meditation after you leave our institutions. Kerala, the southernmost state of India, is an ideal place to practice yoga due to its lush green vegetation of coconut and palm trees and the stunning yet serene backwaters famous across the world. Our Kerala based yoga teacher training program is remarkable and has reached a new level with the best in all fields.

Every student has a unique set of needs, and we are aware of that. Others are constrained by their physical or mental abilities, while some are restricted by time. Developing a comprehensive training program is difficult. However, our yoga instructors have designed our 300 hour yoga teacher training program in Kerala in a way that meets the needs of everyone. One of the best starting points for both new and experienced students to embark on the journey of becoming an excellent Yoga Instructor is the course, which was developed by combining traditional and contemporary best practices in the field of Yoga. We are dedicated to helping you grow into a person who harnesses the wonderful healing properties of yoga to help the suffering people of the world. Our 300 hour yoga teacher training program in Kerala is designed with a holistic approach. The 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Program in India is a complete program that covers many different aspects of yoga, including Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Human Anatomy, Shatkarma, and more.

Pankaj Yogpeeth Kerala - 100 Hour YTTC Curriculum

300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Kerala, Complete Curriculum

Critical thinking, attentive reading, clear writing, and logical analysis are skills that are taught in "Philosophy."

  • Introduction
  • Origin of Yoga
  • Different Paths of Yoga
  • Ashtanga Yoga(8 Limbs)
  • Yama
  • Niyama
  • Asana
  • Pranayama
  • Pratyahara
  • Dharana
  • Dhyana
  • Samadhi
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Obstacles in Yoga
  • Panch Kosha
  • Annamaya Kosha
  • Pranamaya Kosha
  • Manomaya Kosha
  • Jnanamaya Kosha
  • Anandamaya Kosha
  • Sankhya Darshan
  • Vedanta Darshan

“Asana” is the epitome of perfect physical firmness, intellectual stability, and spiritual generosity.

  • Hatha Yoga
  • Alignment And Adjustment
  • Ashtanga Vinyasa

Mantra chanting is an effective way to align your vibrations and awareness with the aspects of the self and infinite. It is a great for improving concentration, attention, focus and acts an effective method to release emotions.

  • Om chanting
  • MahaMrityunjaya Mantra
  • Gayatri Mantra
  • Guru Vandana (prayer to Guru)
  • Prayer before class & Meal

Pranayama is generally defined as breath control. Although this interpretation may seem correct in view of the practises involved, it does not convey the full meaning of the term. The word pranayama is comprised of two roots: ‘Prana’ plus ‘Ayama’. Prana means vital energy or life force.


  • Introduction of Pranayama
  • Benefits of pranayama
  • Explain the pranic body
  • Prana and lifestyle
  • Breath, health & Pranayama
  • Pranayama and the spiritual aspirants

Practical & Theory

  • Nadishodhana Pranayama
  • Sheetali pranayama
  • Sheetkari Pranayama
  • Bramari Pranayama
  • Ujjayi Pranayama
  • Bhastrika Pranayama
  • Kapalbhati Pranayama
  • Surya Bheda pranayama

Bandha (Energy Lock)

First definition of the bandha is that by restraining or locking the muscle on a Physical level.

  • Preparation for Bandha
  • Benefits of Bandha
  • MulaBandha
  • JalandharaBandha
  • UddiyanaBandha

Hatha yoga is considerd to be one of the best forms of exercises all around the world and helps with weight loss, improving health and overall condition of the body. It is adviced to practice hatha yoga under the guidance of expertes as it is considerd to be one of the difficult part of learning yoga.


  • Joints Moments.
  • Surya namaskara ( sun Salutation) & Chandra Namaskara (moon salutation)
  • Yoga Mudrasana
  • Matsyasana
  • Gupta Padmasana
  • BaddhaPadmasana
  • Lolasana
  • Kukkutasana
  • Garbhasana

"Awake, my dear; be gentle to your sleeping heart; take it out into the great fields of Light; and let it breathe." When the entire Ashtanga method is done with commitment, one finds inner liberation

  • Introduction of Ashtanga Vinyasa
  • Components of Ashtanga Vinyasa
  • Importance of Breath In Ashtanga Vinyasa
  • Primary Series Of Ashtanga Vinyasa

Shatkarma is a Sanskrit word which is made by 2 different words which is Shat plus Karma and also known as Shaktkriya. This is a traditional Yogic cleansing technique which is very effective and good to remove many illnesses and open the body blockages.

  • Agni Saar
  • JalNeti
  • RuberNeti
  • Tirieng Mukha Eka Pada Paschimottanasana
  • Sutra Neti
  • Dand

The basic structure and function of the organs and system is very important for the practitioners so that their work as a yoga teacher can be more enhanced. Knowing the different types of joints and their range of motions helps our students to be safe from injuries and also keep safe their students after they start teaching as a teacher.

  • Types of bones
  • Circulatory system
  • Types of heart block
  • Skeletal system

Why Choose Pankaj Yogpeeth Kerala ?

Yoga is the art of living a compassionate life. We thereby offer dedicated art of study with consciousness behavior, including cognition, volition, and motion.
satsang yoga ttc in Kerala


Your participation in our Satsangs and evening gatherings in Kerala will be the most memorable. Learn Indian rituals in yoga ashrams that will enlighten your soul and mind by fostering a lasting relationship with your Inner Self.

 yoga ttc Kerala  yogic food

Learn Healthy Cooking

Our incredible team strives to build a disease-free and the safe world by providing cooking classes in which our talented chefs will teach you about seasonal eating and how to use food as medicine.

fun yoga poses at yoga in Kerala

Experience Yoga with Fun

Yoga is a union with life, energy, and the universe. You’ll experience the joy of participating in the Yoga Dance and Laughter Yoga Classes and learning about this ancient science's diverse side with us. Get your hands on the newest yoga trend & Chair Yoga for a memorable experience.
Best 300-Hour Yoga School in Kerala


The place where we will be practicing our yoga teacher training course is a really nice place with comfortable rooms and beautiful natural surroundings, lots of palm trees and the impression of a small forest nearby. The place we will be staying is a short walk from the main beach of Varkala as well as the famous Black Beach. Additionally, it is possible to walk to each beach. Also, the Varkala beach location of our yoga retreat facility is its most interesting feature. Additionally, we offer several facilities and a rejuvenating spa where you can rejuvenate your soul and nourish your body with massages.

A perfect place to stay is essential in order to allow one to relax after a wonderful yoga practise. Another crucial component in making yoga a really enjoyable and beneficial experience is convenience. Living in the close embrace of nature is in and of itself a revitalising experience for the "Would-be" real Yogi, come and join us our Yoga studio is close to Varkal Beach.

100 hour kerala ttc accomodation

Savithri INN Cottages & Retreats Thiruvambadi Rd, Varkala, Kerala 695141

Varkala : Nearby places

Riverside and countryside walks : Explore Temple

Best 300-Hour YTTC in Kerala

Special Food For Yogis

Our meal is renowned for its flavour and diversity across the world. An experienced chef cleanly prepares each dish, and the organic veggies are used. Our 300-hour yoga teacher training in India course prices cover all meals, which are strictly vegetarian.

At Pankaj Yogpeeth, you may enjoy the delectable food. The food is carefully made utilising well-known international traditional Indian cooking techniques. To support the yogic diet, the food is improved to deliver in accordance with taste and preferences.

We need food for both physical and mental wellness, therefore eating correctly is important. In the realm of yoga, food is categorised somewhat differently than it is in the world of science. Yogic cuisine is divided into Satva, Rajas, and Tamas categories rather than proteins, fats, or carbs. Tasty food makes us feel lethargic or indolent. While rajasic food gives you energy and may make you restless, sattvic food gives you a light, energising feeling.


A good, balanced diet is essential to yoga to motivate the body for intense practice. We have to bend, twist, pull and move around while doing asanas, due to which we need a lot of energy. Because the yoga diet is built on the ideas of natural healing, energy and refreshment, it helps to revitalize and nourish the body, mind and spirit. Our yoga school prioritizes providing the best yoga instruction, while we also provide students with the best yoga food so that they can fully understand the practice. To keep the students active for Manglik Yoga practice, our yoga school provides yoga meals. To provide hot, fresh food, we have made everything on the spot using fresh vegetables, spices and nuts. We exclusively offer Sattvik and vegetarian diet which follows Ayurvedic principles. We harmonize the mind, body and spirit of aspiring yogis by tailoring our eating plans to their needs.

About Food

Contrary to popular opinion, Kerala boasts of a vast selection of options for anyone who has a very popular vegetarian diet. The flavor combination of Varkala cuisine in Kerala, which ranges from Vegetable Stew to Beetroot Thoran to every single vegetarian meal, is unparalleled. If you are associated with Pankaj Yogpeeth, then Pankaj Yogpeeth provides you with nutritious and healthy vegetarian food as well as the famous food of Kerala.

  • three home-cooked, organic meals per day, as well as energy drinks.
  • Also available are vegetarian, gluten-free, and vegan options.
  • There is clean, filtered water on hand.

Some Famous Vegetarian Food in Kerala

satsang yoga ttc in rishikesh

Idli Sambar

One of the most well-known South Indian breakfast foods, idli is created from a batter of crushed, fermented rice and lentils. This tender, fluffy, and steam-cooked savoury cake is frequently served with chutneys and sambar.

 yoga ttc rishikesh yogic food

Palada Pradhaman

One of God's Own Country's most cherished desserts, Palada Pradhaman, combines the delicate richness of milk and butter with rice flour and a light sprinkle of spices. This meal is very nutritious for health.

fun yoga poses at yoga in rishikesh

Puttu And Kadala Curry

People in Kerala adore puttu with kandala curry, which is regarded as one of the state's most well-known traditional foods. Puttu, one of the many meals from Kerala, is a well-known breakfast food that is made of steamed rice cooked in a mould with grated coconut.

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course FEES - 2024-25

Course DATES Shared Private Occupied/Total BOOK NOW
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 07 November 2024 to 3 December 2024 $1100 $1350 4/15 BOOK NOW
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 07 December 2024 to 3 January 2025 $1100 $1350 6/15 BOOK NOW
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 07 January 2025 to 3 February 2025 $1250 $1500 3/15 BOOK NOW
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 07 February 2025 to 3 March 2025 $1250 $1500 5/15 BOOK NOW
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 07 March 2025 to 3 April 2025 $1000 $1350 2/15 BOOK NOW
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 07 April 2025 to 3 May 2025 $850 $1200 6/15 BOOK NOW

300 Hour Yoga TTC in Kerala Daily Schedule

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
 06:15 - 07:45   Hatha Yoga   Hatha Yoga     Hatha Yoga   Hatha Yoga   Hatha Yoga  
 08:00 - 09:00   Pranayama  Pranayama Sat Kriya   Pranayama Pranayama   Pranayama  
 09:00 - 10:00  Breakfast  Breakfast   Breakfast  Breakfast  Breakfast Breakfast  Breakfast 
 10:00 - 11:00  Philosophy   Philosophy    Philosophy  Philosophy Philosophy   
 11:30 - 13:00  Anatomy  Anatomy    Adjust & Alignment  Adjust & Alignment Adjust & Alignment   
 13:00 - 15:00  Lunch/Rest  Lunch/Rest  Lunch/Rest  Lunch/Rest  Lunch/Rest  Lunch/Rest  Lunch/Rest 
 15:00 - 16:15  Adjust & Alignment
Adjust & Alignment
   Teach. Metho.  Teach. Metho. Teach. Metho.   
 16:30 - 18:00 
Hatha Yoga  Hatha Yoga     Hatha Yoga Hatha Yoga  Hatha Yoga   
 18:15 - 19:15  Meditation   Meditation   Meditation   Meditation Meditation   
 19:15 - 20:15  Dinner  Dinner  Dinner   Dinner Dinner  Dinner  Dinner 
 20:15 - 21:00  Self Study  Self Study  Self Study   Self Study  Self Study  Self Study Self Study 
  • flowers
    Flower Mala
  • bottle
    Welcome drink
  • basket
    Water bottle
  • towel
    Refreshing towel
  • soap
  • fruit basket
    A small fruit basket
What Do We

Expect From Students

  • Students should maintain proper discipline and decorum in the school environment.
  • No alcohol, meat or smoking allowed on the campus.
  • Students should abstain from the intake of intoxicants during the course.
  • An attendance of 85% Is mandatory for the successful completion of the yoga alliance certificate.
  • Any misbehavior during the course in the campus or in classes will lead to a point of cancellation of your certificate even forceful abandonment from the campus.
  • In case of any emergency, if a student needs to leave the course halfway, his/her money will not be reimbursed, however, he/she can attend the same course, at the same location at a different time with the permission of the organizers.
  • A non-refundable fee of $250 will be charged to book a seat for one time before the course.
  • The school does not provide health insurance any damage covering during the course.
  • A student will be responsible for his or her own wellbeing and must communicate his/her special needs and follow teachers advice to avoid injuries.
  • The time table will be provided during the orientation and must be adhered to by all and sundry.
Frequently Asked Questions

300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Kerala - FAQ's

Yes, anybody and everyone is welcome to enrol in this captivating course.

You must practise at least once a day. Mandatory practises include 30 minutes of asana, 10 minutes of pranayama, and 20 minutes of meditation.

No, you don't need any specialised knowledge. In actuality, anyone, regardless of age, is welcome to enrol in this yoga training programme. With practise, flexibility and strength will improve. Your yoga asana practise and level of awareness will advance under the supervision and presence of a Master. This course would be an added benefit for you if you have been practising yoga for a while. Your degree of mental and physical awareness would be raised, and this would eventually improve your ability to teach yoga in the future.

To reserve your spot in the training programme, please fill out the application and email it together with the deposit. We will make sure that one of the Pankaj Yogpeeth team members confirms your application as soon as possible.

Yoga training can begin at any age; the will to learn is what counts.

This course would be incredibly helpful for you if you already teach yoga. Your ability to teach yoga would be elevated to a new level.

Yes, we regularly engage in meditation and pranayama; it is also a key component of our lectures.

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